So before I delve into everything i have to say about everything i am passionate about on this blog, I thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself, and if you find me slightly interesting that might persuade you more to read the ramblings i post on here.
So i'm from a small country called Gibraltar, 10 points if you don't have to google that! But for those of you who don't know it's a small country located at the southern tip of Europe, bordering Spain, and yes I do speak fluent Spanish.
So in 2013 I moved to the beautiful seaside resort of Bournemouth in the UK to study Events Management, but obviously moving to the UK wasn't enough for me so here I am, typing away from my new apartment in Orlando where i've come to do a semester abroad whoopie! This is actually my first time in America and the fact that I'm actually living here for 4 months too is still a bit surreal, and i'll be sure to blog about all my wacky adventures during that time on here (i promise it will be more than my trips to DisneyWorld)
<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>
This is me and my mum in one of those standard, "let's take a photo -insert location here- so i can show everyone back home" photos mum's seem to like doing.
I'm a big fan of bands, naps, wasting time on the internet, being weird and reading cliche books that everyone seems to be reading at that time, other than that, i guess you'll be learning more about me as you wander deeper into my mind as my posts unfold, yay!
twitter/insta : gianamariex
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