Monday, 26 August 2024

A couple of years ago I wrote a blog post titled '10 life lessons I've learnt in my 20s so far' and now that I've turned 30 I thought I'd give an updated take on it seeing as I've now officially, completed my 20s! A lot of people dread turning 30, but I've found myself excited for the next chapter of my life and I also feel like I've achieved a lot this last decade and have really enjoyed myself (despite a few silly decisions and the year we lost to Covid). So here are the 10 best pieces of life advice for your twenties. 

1. Say yes to things. 

In one of my previous posts, I wrote all about learning when to say no but saying yes to things is also good! Firstly, as you get older we all get more busy and inevitably once we start having families we see our friends less. So say yes to birthday parties, after work drinks with your new colleagues or trying out a new restaurant with your friend. Also naturally, if you're someone who also says no to plans, the harsh reality is a lot of people will stop asking you. So try and put in the effort on your side (as long as it's reciprocated).

2. Always have some money to fall back on. 

For many of us, at one point in our lives we have lived or are living at home with our parents whilst also having a full-time job. Which means really there is no reason why you can't save a % of your salary every month. Life is full of unexpected surprises, and having a savings account will save you a lot of stress when those moments come. I recommend looking into what type of savings accounts you can get with your bank, as if you get interest that will motivate you to save even more!

3. Audit your life and friendships now and again. 

When you're young it's very easy to get swept up in things when they are new or exciting. Which is why it's important to take a step back, and evaluate if what you're doing with your life and who you've spending your time with is truly fulfilling. Are you filling your spare time with things other than drinking and scrolling on TikTok? Are you spending time with people who bring out the best in you and support you and want to see you succeed? Are you investing in your future? These are all things you should be asking yourself, and if the answer is no then it's time to make a few changes. 

4. It's ok to change your mind about what you want to do with your life.  

Before I went to university, I considered doing forensic science, psychology, teaching, broadcast and journalism before I eventually decided on a degree in Events Management. Fast forward 8 years later and I'm working as a Project Manager in a gaming company. Is it what I thought I'd be doing when I finished? No, but nevertheless I'm happy with my job and where my career is going. Do I regret what I studied? No, because I enjoyed university and even though my career isn't in events, I throw some great parties. So basically, it's ok to change your path in life or do a complete 180. These are usually the years when you can afford to change your mind! 

5. Stop thinking you're never going to find anyone. 

We've all been there, and many of us have stayed in unfulfilling or toxic relationships because we think 'there's no one else left' or 'I won't meet anyone like them'. It's better to leave something bad in your twenties and spend a few months or years alone, than realise 20 years later when you have a lot more to lose.

6. Look after yourself. 

If you're someone who's not concerned with how you look, then you can skip on to the next point. For many of us, we want to look our best and for this there are 5 things I'd live by. 

1. You've heard it 1000 times, but drink your water
2. SPF 50 every day, even when you don't think the sun is shining. Every summer my face is 5 shades lighter than my body but a bit of concealer or tinted cream will fix that! You'll be thankful for it when you're 40. 
3. Invest in good skincare. It doesn't have to be a 5 step process. My aesthetician advised that a good cleanser, a targeted serum and a good SPF moisturizer is all you need for your day to day.  
4. Move! Whether you're into weight-lifting, running or yoga. Try and do something 3 times a week. 
5. Don't obsess over things. We all have insecurities and if you've been hung-up about something for years, it's your choice if you want to get any procedures done which will make you more confident. On the flip side, if you just want to get your lips done because 'all my friends have got it done' then you can probably hold off on that. 

7. Think of how you'd like to be remembered.

We all have our own character traits and flaws, but being a good person costs you nothing. Everyday we are presented with situations and how we react to them defines who we are as a person. If there's a new person joining your company, introduce yourself. Hold the door for people coming in behind you. Don't base your opinions on people based off what other people have said. Smile at the person with you in the lift. The scenarios are endless. 

Also, try and be on time when you've made plans with someone. It's irritating when someone is constantly late to things, because why are you ok with wasting people's time and having them wait for you? 

8. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there. 

I remember when I first started Tea With Gi 10 years ago, I didn't want people from back home to find my blog because I thought 'people are going to judge what I write' and I'm sure some people do! If I would have let that stop me, I would have never got the chance to travel to India with 29 other bloggers, or travelled the East Coast of Australia with Greyhound or eaten in lots of delicious restaurants for 'free'! If you're interested in fitness and want to start a page to inspire others - do it! If you like sharing your recipes online - do it! Don't let the fear of what other people think stop you from opening new doors. 

9. Don't compare your journey to others.

When you get to my age, everyone around you seems to be getting engaged, buying houses or having babies. Which is perfectly normal and to be expected! I've been in a 2 year relationship now and I know my time will come, as I tell my boyfriend 'there's still a few trips to be had!' before we start a family. If you're reaching 30 and you're still single, don't worry. Enjoy your time because eventually you will meet someone and get all that if that's what you want. I know people who met their partner at 35 and 2 years later got married and started a family and seem perfectly content. The same goes for jobs, you may not be happy with your role or salary now but everything could change in a year. 

10. Stop thinking 'you have time'

When I was 22, my younger cousin passed away. I remember being in my last year of university and finding it really hard but what I learnt was to stop putting things off and assuming that I had all the time in the world to do everything I wanted to do. The reality is that life is a gift. As important as it is to save money for the big 'important' things in life, it is also important to go and see the world, make memories with your friends and family and fall in love even though you might get hurt. 

I'll end this post in a similar way to my last one, remember that you're never going to look back on your twenties and think "I wish I would have had less fun" So make good choices, take risks, meet new people and don't stress about the small things! 


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