Monday 18 January 2016

Nowadays, with so many dating apps to choose from - is the traditional way of meeting someone being forgotten? Or is love still as spontaneous and surprising as it used to be, here 15 people shared with me where they met their S/O and how it all started!

1. "It was 5am in a little club in Manchester called Void, there was a crowd of gurning faces of people who had taken far too many drugs, however across the crowd, I locked eyes with this guy who was completely normal (although he had green hair) I shuffled over and said hello, made out with him and now we've been dating for 5 months." - Seb, 23

2. "Jake lived opposite me in halls in first year and on moving in day I told him my door was broken and we struck up a conversation. After that we started talking and became best friends and did everything together. People started asking if we were together and I always said no because I didn't think he was interested in me but I then found out he thought the same thing. He eventually asked me out after christmas break after a mutual friend told him I liked him." - Aimee, 20 

3. "We met through a swimming team 10 years ago, I asked her out for a date twice she said no then saw her at a party. I played a guitar there and she fell for me then. I took her on a date to Pizza Hut, somehow it worked because we got married last year!" - Olly, 32

4.  " Well, Alec and I met in Naples. Florida not Italy I wish. How romantic would've that been? Haha. We were there for a weekend for his mom's birthday. Our parents had been friends for awhile but we never met because he goes to school a few hours away and would barely visit. I always found him attractive and knew him from school. He had no idea who I was. We went to dinner for his mom's birthday on the vacation and I said alone because there was no space at the table. He sat next to me. I got nervous and only spoke to him if he was asking me questions. He asked me if I wanted chocolate cake for dessert and we shared one. It went on from there!" - Alex, 19 

5. "Well it took us both a long time to realise we wanted a relationship which meant we were friends for around a year beforehand. But we met the usual way, at the bar haha. But he was a great friend for that one year before we decided we should take the leap and be in a relationship. I think it stemmed from the whole being apart and missing each other situation." - Lisa, 20

6. "We met on a train as part of separate groups on a uni project but didn't introduce ourselves and he somehow found me on Facebook and started talking. I blew him off numerous times until he started to ignore me and I didn't like it so I text him and eventually, he asked me on a date to my face and I couldn't say no as it was in front of a lot of people! We now live together." - Chloe, 20 

7. "Well, we were talking on Facebook as friends and since he was in the same country as me at the time we decided to meet up. I told him I'd meet him by Morrisons, once I got there my granny called me and said she wasn't feeling well (she lived like two minutes away) and if I could come over and I didn't have his number at this point so I didn't know what to do, I couldn't leave my granny like that and I didn't want him to think I stood him up the first time we arranged to meet. I ran to my granny's house of course and after ten minutes I told her if I could go down just one second, when I did I could feel how crazy I sounded asking him to come up to my granny's house. When we arrived my uncle and auntie were there and when we left we joked about how he's met the whole family already and then we bumped into my dad, my mum and brother and it was just so uncomfortable and just not how I was planning on creating a first impression, but he didn't get too freaked out because we're still together!" - Amy, 18

8. "We met online when we were 17, back when I actually had the time and effort to talk to someone online for ages before meeting them. We skyped everyday and texted from like morning till night for a year straight before we met, how we didn't get bored of each other I don't know, but 5 years on we're still in touch and seeing each other again next month to see if there's still a spark there, if there is, I guess it was worth the wait!" - Lydia, 22

9. "We used to go to the same gym, but we actually met on a night out when he was flat out drunk and was drunkenly flirting with me saying I went to the same gym as him and that I had a great ass, funnily enough whilst he was saying all this he was kind of cock blocking me from getting with the guy I fancied. I thought he was weird at first, but we always spoke when we were out, we became friends with benefits and I started falling for him, but he was trying to keep his distance because I was leaving for university so he didn't want to get attached, he obviously couldn't help himself because he confessed his love for me the night before I left, there were fireworks and all." - Penelope, 21 

10.  "I signed on to this website called 'snog' where random teenagers would get to know each other for something to do! Much did i know the guy I was getting to know would be my boyfriend 2 years on.. Endless hours on Skype calls and text messages we finally got to meet in person 7 months after speaking to each other, where we shared a rather nervous moment at Newcastle Central Station meeting for the first time. Turns out the first meet went great and we've been together ever since, we now try to fly to see each other as frequent as possible and should be closing the distance up soon! (3 hours plane journey)." - Eva, 18

11. "We met at a pre-drinks and I didn't really like him to begin with cause I thought his humour was really lame but once he started requesting some Blink 182 to be played at the pre-drinks I kinda gave him a chance...couple of months later of being good friends, I realised we had the same lame humour and sarcastic personality so I thought we'd probably make a good match and he seemed to think so too!" - Laura, 20 

12. "We had a brief romance when we were in our teens for a couple of months, I think even when we were dating other people it wasn't really serious and we knew we'd always end up together, we hit a few bumps along the way....but we're still happily together and hopefully getting married very soon! - Luke, 24

13. "This is going to sound like something out of a movie...but we met on holiday when we were like 18, spent 2 weeks together and fell in love, naturally we didn't see each other again for a very long time....until I bumped into him a night out at university, turns out he was going to the same uni as me! (now it's sounding like Grease) - anyway we were both pretty shocked and decided to meet for lunch at the weekend, the spark was obviously still there and we're still together now." - Jessica, 23

14. "We met on Tinder, I spoke to her for a day before we decided to meet, which I think was a good idea because it meant we had a lot more to talk about! I took her for dinner and we clicked instantly, had sex on the second date and hey, it worked." - Ben, 24

15. "I originally found my boyfriend on Twitter because hes friends with a couple of people I know and I asked my friend Aaron to tell him to follow me... which he did, in their group chat. I believe my message was 'make Tom follow me he's hot' so I got exposed to a group of boys I didn't know (secured the follow though ;)) but we didn't start talking until I had a bad night at a club and abused his kindness and dms until 6am talking to him about it, and from there we started talking every day! we got really close pretty fast, being able to tell each other things that we couldn't tell anyone else and I thought it was just friendly but a month in we told each other we liked each other but we'd never met, although for ages he was calling me his girlfriend to me and his friends. When we did meet though he was exactly the same as online (yay no catfishing) and we made it official last time I was with him!" - Mell, 20

G ♡


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