♡ LIVE: THE 1975 ♡

Monday, 7 March 2016

Wow, what a weekend. I think I've lost feeling in my feet from the hours I've spent standing this weekend and being stepped on. On the bright side, it's been a very fun filled weekend as I went to see The 1975 on Saturday and Sleeping With Sirens last night and I'm here to tell you all about it. Warning this blog post also contains a rant about concert hooligans.

Starting off with Saturday, the plan was to start queuing at 2pm at O2 Academy Brixton so we could be close enough for Matty to spill some red wine on us, but with it being 5 degrees outside and occasional rain showers - who has the motivation for that? Instead we went for a yummy nandos and spent 3 hours drinking cocktails in Turtle Bay - I recommend the Bahama Mama! We ended up queuing half an hour before doors opened, with my very drunk friends trying to hype up the crowd, although it wasn't quite working.

One thing you'll remember from every concert you go to, are the annoying group (or individual) in the crowd. Let me set the scene for you, we were standing about 10th row just chilling listening to their support act The Japanese House when this group of glitter filled 15 year olds started pushing, shoving, making-out, throwing drinks and glitter all over the place turned up behind us. Usually I don't mind a bit of pushing if it's going to get me closer to the stage, in this case it did by quite a lot, BUT THEY JUST WOULDN'T STOP. It got to the point that by the time The 1975 came on all I could see was untamed hair and was struggling to keep my spot without falling over. Having enough of their BS I moved further back where I could dance to Love Me without the risk of a nosebleed or being a sardine in a can.

On to the music - wow wow wow. Before any gig I go to I usually like to have an idea what the setlist is,  and with it being their second show there wasn't really much available, which just meant I just had to play their new album consecutively so I'd know my shit - not an easy task when their new album had been out for a week. Their set was incredible, mixing stuff from their old album (and image) like Chocolate, Sex and Robbers, with their new 80s inspired hits such as Love Me, UGH!, The Sound and played some of their slower jams Me and my new personal favourite from album If I Believe You. 


This had been the second time I'd seen The 1975, and they're always fun to watch. Back in 2014 we were second row and it was such a chilled and intimate gig, this one was 10X bigger and wilder. They definitely have the best "concert aesthetic" going on and I probably photographed their stage every time it changed colour. Not to mention Matty's stage presence is incredible, he really engages with the crowd, mic in one hand and glass of red wine in the other.


Love Me
Heart Out
So Far (It's Alright)
A Change of Heart
She's American
The Balled Of Me and My Brain
Somebody Else
An Encounter
Loving Someone
If I Believe You
The Sound 

♡ G ♡


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