Saturday, 13 August 2016

As summer comes to a close it's your last chance to make the most of your free time and keep your spirits up before you have to return to school/university or if you've been working the whole time, you'll need this even more. I decided to write a blog post all about the little things I do to keep my mind and body at ease both inside and out, and to stop myself going crazy when life gets a tad bit stressful. Play some relaxing music in the background for some added effect.

1. Get some more H2O in your system! A year ago, the only time I drank water was when I forced myself to go for a jog or when I was sipping it from my over sized VS PINK water bottle by the pool. I don't have to tell you how important it is to drink water in the hot weather, but your body will thank you for it and I always find myself feeling "cleaner" and fresh faced when I ditch the fizzy drinks. 

2. Get some daily exercise in. Even if it's just walking to the train station instead of getting the bus there, every little bit counts! When I'm stuck at home writing blog posts (and binge watching Netflix and Youtube) I try and fit in a half hour workout in my bedroom using GymCube but I don't punish myself if i'm simply not feeling up for it. 

3. Read for pleasure. I don't think I could spend a day at the pool or beach without a book on me, unless I'm at a water park that stuff gets boring. It's great to let your mind and imagination float somewhere else for a few hours and this is something I'm going to miss when I have to trade in my novels for textbooks. P.S. I'm currently loving All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven, I got through the first 100 pages in one evening! 

4. Take extra care of your skin. That means sun-cream, after-sun, skin brushing, the lot! I know a tan makes everyone feel great but you'll be kicking yourself in the butt when you're 30 and have more wrinkles than the old lady snapchat filter. I admit to using lower sunscreen for my body because I don't necessarily burn that easily, but this summer I've made sure to keep a cap on when I'm in the sun and apply a higher factor, that being said my face never tans. 

*A skin product I've been using a lot lately is the Silderm Anti-Cellulite Cream which was kindly given to me for review. It aims to break down fat cells and stimulate blood flow by combining the use of a massage roller and a cream containing clinically proven ingredients (retinol) to reduce the appearance of cellulite on the skin. I've been using this product for 2 weeks now and although it takes a bit more effort than lathering on some lotion, i've definitely seen some improvement on the bumpiness of my skin. Although cellulite is something that can't be completely eradicated, with the help of this, more water and exercise it can help the situation. 

5. Lay off the fast food. I'm writing this whilst thinking about a Chicken Royale from Burger King, I haven't had that in months and it's probably my favourite thing on the fast food menus combined. If you follow me on Instagram you might have seen that I'm now taking part in an 8 week Body Confidence Programme which promises a reduction of 16 inches as well as a surplus of other health, emotional and physical benefits. This of course mean my diet is mainly consisting of protein, fruit and vegetables. Fast food does nothing unless you're trying to cure a hangover and just leaves you feeling sluggish, greasy and heavy. If you need alternatives, just make some home made chicken nuggets!

6. Try and incorporate meditation or yoga into your lifestyle. I know this is strange coming from me, but I tried meditation for the first time this week and I felt so peaceful and relaxed after it was great. There are plenty of guides on Youtube and if you fancy a bit more flexibility, try a yoga class or if you live near a beach head there in the morning for some extra zen. Now that's great for the mind, body and soul. 

7. Skip the shower, and opt for a lush bath instead. Not everyday, that would just be expensive and you'd run out of bath bombs to choose from. Allow yourself 1-2 nights a week to unwind in the bath with galactic or forest water and some chilled vibes. You get to feel like a mermaid for an hour and it's an easy way to destress. 

8. Create your ultimate chilled playlist. Mine mainly consists of Lana Del Rey, Marina and The Diamonds, The 1975, Johnny Cash, James Bay and Father John Misty to give you a starting point. I play this most evenings whenever I'm writing a blog post, planning a trip or colouring in my pop art book! What are some of your favourite "chilled out" tracks?

9. Turn off your electronics and focus your energy on something else. I can't stay on my laptop for too long without getting a migraine, so to prevent that from happening I like to spend time in the evenings filling out my Travel Listography book, writing things for my memory jar or journal or simply reading a good ol' book. 

10. Get some ZZZZzs. Part of this Body Confidence Programme is based on circadian rhythms which means going to bed at 10:30pm and rising with the sun, so that your body can replenish itself and do what it needs to do in the crucial hours between 10pm and 2am. This is something I'm still working on because as you all know, I am a night owl. 

 • this product was gifted for review but all opinions are my own •

♡ GS ♡

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