Tuesday, 20 September 2016

It's been a while since I've written a long winded blog post as I decided to take a short break from blogging but seeing as I'm currently living in an empty flat with no wifi (yay for hotspots), I thought I'd stop scrolling on Instagram and write about my current situation that is, becoming a fourth year. For the first time in four years it's actually felt a bit bittersweet returning to Bournemouth, perhaps because I spent the last year on placement and the semester prior to that in Florida, so referencing and writing a dissertation is the last thing I want to be doing right now. It's also the first time I've felt pretty homesick and during this time especially I just wish I could be at home with my family (and friends). Any how, let's get on with the point of this post! 

1. You can't just knock on someones door and ask them if they'd like to go out anymore. I mean you could, but my current neighbour has purple florescent lighting in their house and has "scarecrows" on their roof so I'd rather not go near them. In first year if you didn't like all of your housemates, you could easily just knock on anyones door in halls and invite them over for pre drinks and have your new best friends sorted for the evening. 

2. Freshers fortnight just isn't doable anymore. If you're one of the "lucky" universities that gets 2 weeks of fresher events you'll probably find that after the second night out all you want to do is stay in bed all day watching Stranger Things with Pizza Hut and then repeat in the evening. I still don't know how I managed 14 nights out in a row, yes including the awful Snakebite Sundays. 

3. You can't help but look down at freshers when you see then tumbling out of a club or dancing on a table, even though that was you three years ago. Or when you're forced to go to the other Asda just so you can be in and out within 20 minutes. 

4. You're cooking consists more of just toast and Asda mac & cheese. Looking back I think the only things I cooked first year were fajitas, ready meals, 2 lasagnas and a pasta bake. Now I actually enjoy cooking something more elaborate and own a handful of cookbooks! #LeanIn15 #EatSmart #NotSponsored

5. You probably don't speak to 1/4 of the people you were close to in first year. Past flings, your mate from down the hall you said hi to every morning, or even one of your flatmates. People change and grow and sometimes you just don't have time to keep up with 100 friendships when both parties don't put the effort in, or you realise all you had in common was your love for Vodka. It's called growing up guys! 

6. It's hard work. I haven't even officially started university yet and I can already picture myself crying in bed with a cup of chamomile tea and on the phone to my mum complaining how I can't cope with this amount of work. Freshers was a walk in the park compared to second year and even that was probably a...jog? But if most of my friends managed to get through it and do well, it gives me that extra bit of hope that I'll be fine!

7. It's your last chance to get involved. When I first started university I gave the rowing and events society a go, but thus I (was just plain lazy) found it hard to commit to anything and just spent my time sleeping, partying or at (some) lectures. Now that this is my last year I want to make more of a conscious effort to get involved with what my university has to offer and maybe even teach some beginners Spanish (ole!) at the university? stay tuned. 

8. The future is near. When I started at BU I didn't even give a second thought to what I was going to do after university, because it was soooo far away, but the fact that I'll be all done come June is pretty scary. I guess it's time for me to put my twitter account on private and start paying attention to my LinkedIn profile. 

9. You come to the realisation that in a years time, you may never see some of your friends again. Sad but true, not only because everyone's going to live so damn far away from each other and not everyone has the time/money to come visit me in Gibraltar (or vice versa), but everyone will have their own agenda and might be travelling the world, making babies or joining a nunnery. I'll definitely make it a priority to not go more than two years without seeing the good friends I've made so far! 

10. Making new friends will be harder, but not impossible. I guess this is an extension of point 1, but making new friends in final year doesn't have to be hard! All you need is an open mind and maybe a glass of wine. People get so sucked in to their own friendship groups that no one ever bothers to speak to someone new in class, at pre drinks or even in the library. It shouldn't be considered weird to talk to someone new asking if they'd like to meet for a drink or something! Give it a go.  

11. It's time to make the most of what the city has to offer. The fact I haven't been in Bournemouth properly since December 2014 means that there's now a bunch of new bars and restaurants I've still yet to try, but more over the chances of me coming back after I graduate are pretty slim (for some time anyway). So for the time being it would be great to check out a new music scene (doubt I'll be heading to Sound Circus), explore places outside of Bournemouth (not you Boscombe) and just throw myself out there. 

12. The year will probably fly by and then I'll complain I didn't do enough. I'll make sure to read this point back at the end of the year! But seriously, as much as being a final year student can suck in some aspects, these are meant to be the best years of our lives. So for that I promise to make an effort to embrace new friendships, go on more dates, be more positive, travel when I can, make the most of my time and know that when I want to drop everything and give up, this too shall pass. 

♡ GS ♡

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