Thursday, 11 July 2019

Over the last couple of years there's been a lot of talk, videos, books and discussions on manifestation and the law of attraction. I have friends who swear by it and others who just don't believe in it and think it's pointless and a waste of time. I probably lie somewhere in the middle where, I have focused on the positive outcome of things or my energy on something happening, and it has. Then there was the time I tried 'scripting' (writing a sort of diary entry as if you already have the thing/life you want, which in this case was to pass my driving test) and when I failed my test because my nerves got the better of me I got home and ripped the page out and said 'well this was a load of crap'. Then recently I got an email from Jennifer Willemsen asking if I would like to review her Intentional Life Creation through Alignment course, and with a cup of tea in bed and the PDF open, I gave it a go. 

tea with gi manifestation

What is the course about? 

The course sets out to 'redesign your life, master the art of living in flow and turning your dreams into reality'. It makes you look at your life with a magnifying glass - past, present and future. It encourages you delve into different areas - health, lifestyle, career, wealth, friendship, love and family and see where the problems are and how to realign where you are and where you want to be. The first 2 modules looks at introspection where you discuss what you want out of the transformation, what your future life looks like and what your personal goals and desires are. Next you look at liberation, what it is that is holding you back from getting what you want, stopping negative thoughts and removing limiting beliefs. The last module looks at creation, turning your dream life into your reality. 

Who is this course for?

To be honest I think this is a course that is suitable to anyone really (over the age of 16). There's not many times in life where I've analysed my life this deeply and although revisiting some memories can be painful, it does lead to more clarity after. If you're someone who's becoming 'burdened by negative thoughts' about yourself or your life, or you feel like you're just 'getting by' with life but not living it then this course will be enlightening. 

What do you get out of it?

The aim of this course is to get you to reconnect with your inner self and discover what has been setting you back from achieving what you want, and how to overcome that. You'll be able to get rid of limiting beliefs and 'how to master your life by understanding the universal laws' and finally, how to manifest your desires into reality. In a nutshell a more positive, stress free and happy life if all goes well. 

My personal experience with the course.

So I started this course back in May when my life in Australia was quite uncertain. I was finding it hard to find a job on a working holiday visa and was scared that my money was going to run out and I was going to have to fly back home. Now in July, as I write this post I was rereading what I wrote in my workbook about my 'limiting beliefs' and how I was going to overcome them. In terms of wealth I wrote something along the lines of 

'Going from having a secure income to being unemployed and having to watch everything you spend is stressful and sad, but I know it is temporary and I believe that if I try harder to find work and explore other revenue streams, I will be ok. The worst thing that can happen is I have to go home, and home is pretty great too.'

Soon after that, I got a job as an au pair with a great family (and then a week in got offered another  full-time job which I had to decline), work some weekends at a bar and as soon as I put more effort into finding paid blog work, more collaboration opportunities came rolling in. As much as that period sucked, it made me grateful for the security I have now and how a lot of things I thought I needed (getting my nails done, eating out every week, new gym clothes) didn't really make a different to my happiness. 

In terms of the aspects I enjoyed most about the course, I enjoyed looking at what I remembered about what I imagined my future looking like when I was as a child. I found it useful to write out what was holding me back in certain elements in my life in the 'Reasons Why Not' section and how in fact the only thing standing in my way was me and my fear of failure/judgement. I found Jennifer's personal stories inspiring on how high vibrations, manifesting and affirmations worked for her. 

"Be active because you are inspired, and re-act on things that show up in your life (signs, people, etc.) instead of being pro-active out of motivation."

"The more positive experiences you “collect” after trusting/acting upon your inner guidance, the more likely you are to get at ease with trusting the outcome."

I found her talk about 'positive outcome capital' section particularly interesting and relatable. How so many opportunities present ourselves daily but how we're often scared to reach out and grab them. Whether it's saying 'yes' to something or talking to a stranger, you never know where these conversations will go.  

What are my beliefs now? 

I'm a big believer in trusting the process or 'universe' that things will work themselves out when I hit a hurdle or something unexpected happens. I also think that breaking down different aspects of your life (money, relationships, career) and seeing where you are now and where you want to be is pretty useful. As long as we're focusing on the why we want to get there first instead of the how. It makes sense that if we envision good things happening and give out positive vibes then naturally those vibes will come right back at us. 

The course also comes with a lovely list of positive affirmations and I've started picking one daily to say each morning/evening. Even if it's something as simple as 'today is going to be a good day'.

Thank you to Jennifer for gifting me this course, it's definitely been an eye opener and I'm excited to take what I've learnt on board with my life! If you'd like to check out the course for yourself click here


*This post contains affiliate links but all words and opinions are my own. 

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