Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Over the past couple of years I've got pretty good at only taking the essentials on my trips. Most of my Europe breaks are now hand luggage only so minimising the amount of beauty products to a little ziplock bag has taken some work (yet you can bet there'll still be around 5 lipsticks in there). When you're flying for an extended period of time there are a couple of things that are useful to keep on board with you, because as we all know that that cabin air does not do wonders for your skin. Whether you're flying or taking a long coach trip, these are some of my favourite products to keep handy when travelling. 

beauty products long haul flights

1. Eye Mask 

A couple of years ago, I would have been too embarrassed to be sat in a plane full of people with an eye mask in case I looked like Sharpay from High School Musical. When I started travelling longer distances I went to the other extreme and pulled a 'f*ck off' eye mask over my eyes (it was a gift) and I haven't looked back since. This way if the person next to you decides they want to keep the window open or their light on at night to read a book, you can still try and sleep for some of it.

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2. Nakin Eye Cream Complex [Gifted]

Before you go and pop your eye mask on, make sure to apply this and you'll arrive at your destination looking like you've had a nights sleep at Premier Inn. This product is weightless so won't take up much space in your luggage, and has natural anti-ageing ingredients. It helps reduce the appearance of fine lines, puffyness and dark circles. I've found this product to be quite hydrating and just a dot of the cream can cover your eye area and more. 

nakin skincare

3. Nakin Lip Treatment Balm [Gifted]

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I've found a lip balm that I'm now more loyal to that Vaseline (I finally had enough of those hard to open tins). It's an anti-ageing product to help with lines around the lips, but honestly I'm just loving the glossy and plump look it gives my lips. There's barely a day that goes by where I don't wear lipstick but this actually makes it look like you've got something on. It's made with shea, mint, argan and baobab oil and I love the ever so slight tingly effect it has.

4. This Works In Transit No Traces Cleansing Pads

How good does it feel to wash your face after a long trip? My skin is on the oilier side so these pads are great for removing excess oil and brightening my complexion. Or for when removing make-up when the plane has boarded and your potential future husband hasn't sat next to you. 

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5. Verso Deep Hydrating Mask [Gifted]

This feels so good on. I wouldn't recommend putting it on whilst you're flying as you'll scare the cabin (I was laughing for a good 5 minutes because I looked like squid ward). These masks provide 120 hours of moisture so they're perfect to use the night before your trip. They provide a good cooling effect and you can feel the hyaluronic acid working. The grapefruit extract helps to encourage collagen production and helps give your skin a healthy complexion.

verso hydrating masks

6. The Body Shop Rose Dewy Glow Facial Spray

I first picked this up whilst on holiday in Malta when we were dying in Valletta in the 40 degree heat. I've never used a lot of spray on beauty products before because I flinch a ton before actually getting the product on my face. That being said this product has been a life saver for refreshing my skin. 

body shop rose mist

7. Dermatec Personal Light Therapy Device [Gifted] 

I was only introduced to Light Therapy last month when I had a treatment done at The Loft Beauty. It's hard to believe shining a red/blue light on your face can have real results hey? But the reviews and benefits of light therapy has been great. In a nutshell, the red light can help reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles, calm rosacea, calm inflammation and stimulates collagen production. Whilst the blue light kills acne bacteria and calms the skin. This device has a head that includes both light functions. I love how compact and easy to use it is, and what better way to use it than when you're passing the time on your flight whilst watching the in-flight movie?

dermatec personal light

8. A Water Bottle 

Most of us (myself included) tend to drink lower amounts of water when flying, probably because we don't want to pay the extortionate airport prices for more than one bottle of water. The best thing to do is carry an aluminium water bottle with you and have a member of the cabin crew fill it up for you. Just try and make sure you're sat on the isle, or you'll be asking your neighbours to move a lot when you need to run to the toilet every hour. 

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What beauty products do you take with you on your travels?


beauty products for flying

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