Saturday 29 February 2020

[this is a collaborative post but all words and opinions are my own]

I've always been one of those people who feel the need to move furniture around in my bedroom every couple of months, because it seems to bring me a new sense of motivation for work and life - anyone else? with spring being just a month away, most people will start get into 'spring cleaning' and revamping their personal space. Here are some ways you can give your room a fresh look without breaking the bank.

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1. Get some wall art. 

Back in the day my room was covered with Justin Bieber and One Direction posters that I'd pull out of magazines, at 25 that isn't really acceptable anymore is it? One of my favourite websites for finding high quality prints for your house is desenio, and they'll cost you a quarter of the price of finding a wall art in a store.

2. Get a new carpet. 

Depending what kind of flooring you have in your house, this can be easier said than done. If you've got carpet floors these can sometimes need updating more often as they can start to fade. Cream carpets are always nice but if you drink a lot of red wine it's always a risky choice isn't it?

3. Make a working space. 

Right now I'm writing this blog post sat in bed, because I've got too much stuff on my table at the moment to sit my laptop down. If you're also a blogger, or study or generally do any work from home then create a space in your room where you can sit down and do this. Get some nice stationery, some motivating quotes on the wall and a desk planner and you'll actually be looking forward to sitting down and working.

4. Get new bedding. 

One of my favourite parts of moving into a new place is buying new bedding (especially at university). For the time being, I'm staying put so it just means buying new bedding for the season. Primark always has a variety of options at very affordable prices. 

5. Add some life into it. 

I always find having a house plant or flowers just makes a room look more homely and well, fresh. You don't need to overdo it especially if you don't think looking after plants or flowers is for you, as having a room full of dead flowers will have the opposite effect. If that's the case just get a fake plant, no one will know the difference but you!

What are some ways you give your room an update?


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