Sunday, 15 February 2015

So along with half of my Facebook friends I spent half of my Valentine's Day at the cinema watching this delight. I'd heard a lot of mixed reviews about this and had only managed to get through half of the first book but I never managed to get into it when everyone was hyping over it. I must say I was curious to see the movie and frankly didn't know what to expect (other than the obvious)

Let me first say how gorgeous is Jamie Dornan? At first I was a bit skeptical about him playing Mr Grey in that he seemed too "cute" and baby faced, but boy was I wrong. He managed to pull off sexy very well, that being said there were a few lines where we all felt like "did he really just say that? well that ruined everything"

From what i've heard it's not as heavy as the books and I guess it wouldn't be THAT embarrassing to watch with your mother, I mean from what i've heard every mother out there seems to have read this book. Some scenes seemed a bit irrelevant and dragged on a little, but hey with good eye candy who cares right?

My favourite thing about this movie HAS to be the soundtrack, definitely made the whole thing less cringe-worthy. Not to mention the running commentary from the people at the cinema, including one guy stating "she needs to shave her legs and pubes" which then resulted in his girlfriend slapping him and ranting on about how women can be natural if they want to be. Also mid sex-scene a father decided it was a good idea to bring his 3 young kids in, it took him a while to process they were in the wrong movie theatre and that the movie wasn't exactly appropriate for 12 year olds.

VERDICT: Watch it if you have some spare money and have nothing else to do that day, or if you don't wanna be excluded from conversations everywhere for the next couple of weeks.


twitter/insta : gianamariex

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