Hi Guys! So i've been living in Orlando for 2 months now and i'm constantly being asked "so how different is living here to UK?" and from my friends back home "omg have you drank out of red cups and made out with a quarterback under the bleaches yet?" and so on. So i've decided to compile a list of things i've learnt whilst being out here so far and how some things differ from home!
So this is one stereotype I can confirm is true! You can't have a party without these and I can see why, one cup and you're pretty much set for the night. Plus they don't cost you £15 from the party shop either.
Now this I love. I'm quite a friendly person but i find that if you were to randomly strike a conversation with anyone in England they'll give you a look of confusion as if you were asking for one of their limbs or something (especially in the tube, never try and talk to anyone in the tube). But everyone here seems to smile when you walk past, compliment your flip-flops and will talk to you almost anywhere. Not to mention the amount of friends i've made in the bathrooms because of my "accent"
This has probably been my biggest problem since I got here. Although America is home to the 394857 types of candy and other marvellous edible creations I am not a fan of Hershey's (excluding cookies n cream) and a girl needs her Cadbury. I know you can find it in some places but there's still a hole in my part that's missing cream eggs, time-outs and flakes.
Okay this might be a stupid one but, do toilets in America have lids?! Mainly because this is what I use to stack my stuff when i'm going for a shower but now i'm having to get creative with places to hang things (in a shared college bathroom). Also what is with all that water in the bowl, using a public toilet in England when someone hasn't flushed is bad enough but imagine that shit (no pun intended) in a nightclub. This is turning into a long rant about toilets, but one last thing, the gaps in the doors. Personally I don't like to be seen when i'm doing my thing but maybe that's a thing here?
Suprisingly I hadn't heard of this fast-food chain before coming here and instead I was crazy about trying taco bell (which i've been advised by my fellow americans is a no no) but damn that stuff it good, that is all.
Maybe this is just Florida cause you know, it's hot, but I love that i can wear flip-flops (practically) anywhere and not get judged. When i've done this in Bournemouth to go to Asda I was suddenly met with a rainstorm and a bruised bum. Everyone here is more casual and I love that I don't have to worry about wearing heels to "fit in", not like I wear them back home anyway. #tallgirlproblems
This is a pretty funny one. Thanks to my 20 years of watching American sit-coms and high school movies this is something I was pretty clued up on. That doesn't stop me from sticking to "pre drinks" instead of "pre-gaming" and asking for "chips" instead of "fries but i'm getting the hang of it. I've also recently learned how to "turn up" at a party.
No I have not yet succeeded in getting free tickets. I also thought I was a huge disney fan, but I'm nothing in comparison to the workers - lunchtime conversations revolve around what disney princesses we'd get chosen to work as at the park - mine being Ariel of course.
As you can imagine it came as a setback coming from a place where the law is 18 to where it's 21. Some clubs do allow 18+ in and I can say i probably haven't paid for a single drink since i've got here. Not only that but Americans seem to be a lot more hospitable when it comes to house parties and pre-gaming, if you don't bring your own drinks in England you can be sure you're not getting anyone else's! (unless you sneakily steal some of their vodka when they're passed out on the sofa.)
I searched so many department stores and apparently duvets (the thick cosy ones) aren't a "thing here" so here I am trying to keep myself warm at night with this flimsy annoying comforter that spends more time on the floor than doing its purpose. Kettles also do not seem to be a thing in America.
I'm sure there'll be a ton of more things that come to mind during my time here but those are the first things that came to mind. This may have sounded like somewhat of a rant but America is great, land of the free and all. There's always something new to do in Orlando and i doubt i'll get to see everything before i leave which is a great reason to come back in the near future!
Would be interesting to hear if you guys have found anything different or strange when coming to the UK so feel free to comment below :)
♡ GS ♡
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