Thursday, 9 July 2015

Hey beauties!

June meant coming back home to Gibraltar, less shopping, and less money (and shopping) but here are a few of my favourite things throughout the month of June!


Before I left UK, I had just found out that Revolution Make-up (that I usually purchase online) is now in stock in Boots and Super drug too! This brand is relatively cheap and good quality too! The palette I purchased is called Give Them Nightmares and as you can see in the picture it's a purply and greeny palette, (I don't know is there a name i'm supposed to use for this? I'm no beauty guru) and they're something i'd only wear for nights out! (and I do love the Jessica Rabbit purple smokey eye/red lip duo)

I also bought a nudey O.P.I nail polish called Dulce De Leche which looks great with a tan, if not it just looks like extended fingers. My mum went on an Avon catalogue buying spree and bought me a "plumping lipstick" in the colour Uptown Pink which looks great for the day or night and isn't too BAM!!

Finally, I technically bought these little beauties in May but I forgot to mention them and they deserve recognition. HAND SANITISERS!! Not those Curex smelly ones, these Bath & Body Works gems make you want to clean your hands every hour. They smell delicious, their packaging is cute and they make great little gifts too! 


As usual, I put aside new books I've bought and end up picking up old ones I never got to read... So I decided to re-read the Beach Blondes series by Katherine Applegate (seeing as I never read the last one and would have been pointless if I had forgot everything) There's 4 of them and they're a great summer read, and definitely the equivalent of a chick flick in a book. It's about a girl who spends her summers in Florida (kind of relatable I guess?) with her cousin and gets in all sorts of love triangles and shiz, definitely an easy and enjoyable read!


Best of Me - After Netflix kept pushing me to watch this, I thought I might as well seeing as I hadn't watched a romantic movie in a while. Based on a Nicholas Sparks book, you already know what you're expecting, boy meets girl, sad sad sad, happy, sad, happy? the end. At first It seemed pretty cheesy, but it provided a few twists and a bit more depth that made the movie more interesting. As usual, I shed a few tears. 

The Loft - If you have a boyfriend, this movie will probably make you think he is a cheating lying asshole. The movie is essentially about 5 friends who buy a loft in order to have their "private affairs" in and then they find a dead woman inside and then it gets all intense and you know the drill. This was actually a pretty good movie and had its share of eye candy! 

Dreamhouse - Starring Daniel Craig, it was weird to see him as something other than James Bond. If you like psychological thrillers then I definitely recommend it. It has it's few wtf is going on moments, but it keeps you interested for the most part, and it's also on Netflix so easy to find! 


If you have me on snapchat, you've probably heard me play Sun Daze by Florida Georgia Line ALOT. It's catchy and makes you want to get drunk by the pool what can I say? Anything Goes isn't a brand new album but I decided to give their latest one a proper listen and it has some good ol' country tunes. My personal favourites being Sun Daze, Dirt and Girl on the Radio. 

see you next month for another monthly favourites! 


twitter/insta : gianamariex

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