Thursday, 20 August 2015

As materialistic as this post sounds, It's always great to see what preferences different people have and If beauty really is in the "eye of the beholder". I managed to find 20 people who were more than ready to talk about what physical/personality/character traits would make them swoon!

1. F. 20. Gibraltar 

Physically, I'd probably have 10 different versions of my ideal guy. He could resemble Prince Charming or be really rugged and tattooed up and play the bass in a rock band (but he definitely needs to have a good jaw line and I've always been a sucker for dimples). He'd ideally be well-travelled, slightly older and is done with the idea of "friends with benefits" and isn't scared of the future. He has to be funny, caring but not too clingy. I'm quite weird myself, so he'd have be someone who doesn't take himself too seriously and can be spontaneous and knows when to be mature/immature. What's the point of dating someone who you can't have fun with?

2. F. 18. Gibraltar 

My "dream guy" would be someone that you automatically just click with, full of personality so that i'd never get bored as I like to be entertained! Looks don't really bother me but you can't go wrong with someone tall, dark and handsome!

3. F. 20. Gibraltar

He'd probably have dark messy hair and dark features, well built, but not skinny. He'd be really cute and caring but only towards me! He'd show jealousy but not to the extreme, just enough that it shows he cares. I love a guy who's spontaneous, loves animals like me, and a plus if he was also a vegetarian!

4. M. 21. Southampton

I'm not sure if I have an idea of my dream partner, all I can base my ideas on is celebrities that I find attractive and my past relationship (I've only ever had one partner!) I guess to start I like a well spoken, well educated woman - middle class if you'd like. I like the way they present themselves be it with their clothes and their polite manners. Physically, I don't think I know what my "type" is. I love long hair, I like a girl who is comfortable to put off the natural look, not scared to show off her freckles or the dimples in her cheeks! Skinny girls aren't for me, I'm not saying they're not attractive but slim and curvy girls are what I'd call my type of girl! 

To be honest, as a man, all I want is a woman to appreciate the things I do for her, love me like I do her and be proud to tell other people she has a man. 

5. M. 22. Orlando

I would like to think that my dream girl has a dorky personality first and foremost. Meaning she doesn't really care if she is being against the views of being socially normal, even in public. She cares deeply for others, even the ones she doesn't know too much about. She has a smile that lights up the room and has eyes that match the same brightness. Lastly, I don't truly think that the physical is too important, but I have found that for some reason I seem to be attracted to red hair more than others.

6. F. 21. Gibraltar 

He'd have to be a teddy bear. In the sense he'd be cuddly and not be a stick man or all muscle. In the same way he'd be protective, and someone I can rely on to be there for me and to stick by me no matter what. 

7. M. 20. Guildford 

She'd have to be shorter/smaller than me, nice eyes, nice teeth. She'd have to be kind and funny. It's always a plus when she's into the same music/sports/ as you. She should be relatively driven and selfless to an extent, outgoing, sports, oh and great with kids! 

8. M. 19. Gibraltar 

Physically, she'd probably have to be slim bur with an hourglass figure. A nice bust and booty (you know some junk in the trunk) brunette and if she has blue eyes that would be a bonus! She'd have to be quite short considering I'm not the tallest of guys. Then I love a girl with a brain, a degree would be great but not essential. She'd be outgoing, adventurous, talkative and MOST importantly not racist or cruel to animals! 

9. F. 21. Gibraltar 

I am keeping this short and sweet. Basically my ideal man would have a beard, tattoos and preferably a nose piercing. In order to find this said man I would probably have to stand outside Shoreditch station, and that's where you'll find me come September. I suppose he'd have to be nice, loving and like the same shit as me. 

10. M. 20. Bournemouth 

If I was being a standard male, I'd say she'd have to have big boobs, a nice bum, curvy but slim and look like she's come out of the playboy mansion. But I'd say my ideal girl would just be comfortable with her own body (as long as she doesn't resemble Hagrid, that might be a bit of a turn off) I like a girl who doesn't take herself seriously, who can have a laugh and embarrass herself without getting embarrassed (to an extent). She'd be outgoing but doesn't mind spending Friday nights at home cuddled up with Netflix and pizza, oh and she likes to have a lot of sex. 

11. M. 20. Orlando

I'd say I had already met my dream partner. I don't expect her to be a perfect woman, but she was perfect to me. She was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. Her swagger, her demeanour  how she held herself, how she respected others and how deep her mind was. She had a dark complexion, hazel green eyes and this big curly hair, she only stood at 5'5. She was witty, clever and a reflection of myself I want to say. The thought of finding someone you click with instantly was amazing. She was my favourite friend, and lover. 

12. F. 21. Gibraltar

Looks wise I don't really have just one "type". I've always had a thing for black guys, but I wouldn't mind a blonde blue eyed surfer dude either. Being 100% honest, I'd love a guy who would spoil me, be good to me and have a good paying stable job, preferably a business man! So we can see the world together, although granted this ideal man would probably cheat on me 100 times. 

13. F. 21. London

I'd love to date a musician. Someone to write songs about me and for us be one of those old hollywood couples you read about, minus the affairs. He'd resemble James Dean with a couple more tattoos and look a bit more rough, and we'd tour the world together whilst I was first row at every show. 

14. M. 21. Bournemouth

In a nutshell, Lana Del Rey. Someone who's elegant, poised, dresses very 1960's, but also has an edge to her and you know she's experienced life. She wouldn't dumb herself down for anyone and wouldn't be afraid to voice her opinion. She'd be independent but also seek comfort in me and vice versa. She should also know how to carry red lipstick. All this and I'd love her until she was no longer young and beautiful. 

15. F. 20. Glasgow 

My ideal guy would have lots of tattoos, 6ft 3 so I can wear heels and not feel like a giant next to him! Have dark hair and blue eyes and lovely teeth. Personality wise a sense of humour is most important to me, everything else I'm not fussed about! 


twitter/insta : gianamariex

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