♡ OCTOBER UPDATE: New House, New Job, New pals! ♡

Thursday, 22 October 2015

So it's been a while since I posted anything on here, mainly because by the time I get home from work I either have some event to go to or just want to flop in bed and watch Scream Queens (it's fabulous, check it out.)

So all in all it's been a pretty hectic month, I've moved in to the most ADORABLE house in Wimbledon, I feel like I've been transported back to the 1960's. My housemates are all great, kind of feels like freshers again but instead we're all working and drink wine instead of Asda brand vodka. 

If you read my last post you've probably seen I also started my placement at Cornucopia Events as an Events Manager, and so far I am looooving it. Who can complain about (free) all inclusive nights out in London and endless event/showcase invites (and the best part - FOOD!!) Perks aside, it's really great to be doing what I love as a job and not being stuck reading about it in a classroom instead (unfortunately I'll have to face that again one more time next September) 

I am also loving London, I live in the perfect location where I'm in the city but just outside all the chaos where some business man will knock over my Pumpkin Spice Latte whilst he's rushing to work. When my mum and grandma were here I had to endure endless hours of markets, but I did quite actually enjoy Portobello Road and this fancy guy. 

It's also been a great time to catch up with people I haven't seen in months, or you know provide a B&B service for my friends. Can't wait to explore the endless things (and restaurants) this city has to offer! 


twitter/insta : gianamariex

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