Thursday, 17 December 2015

Everyone's Christmas is usually different, we all have our different traditions and highs and lows of the holidays. That being said, there are a couple of things that none of us can really escape....

1. You will put on weight. No one can diet at Christmas, who can resist the endless amounts of a Pata Jamon, roast turkey, potatoes, parsnips, meat, quality streets, and so on, it also becomes acceptable to eat this 3 days in a row and then using leftovers for sandwiches too.

2. You will put on a fake smile for a gift you hate. "Oh thanks auntie I really wanted this Hannah Montana slogan t-shirt...."

3. You will spend too much time with your family. Everyone's lives can get so hectic that it's sometimes hard to have all your family in the same room at once. So Christmas is a great time to be able to catch up, argue, reminisce and create new memories with your loved ones, but they will start to get on your nerves after a week or so.

4. You will have family arguments. Whether it's to do with who has to sit next to annoying cousin Susan or who ate all of the stuffing, it will happen.

5. You will get sick of hearing Mariah Carey's Christmas Song. It's ok the first couple of times, but after a while it feels like you can't escape hearing this or any other Christmas song.

6. And watching The Elf. You'll basically have to avoid Sky Movies for the rest of December.

7. In the holiday spirit... you'll do things you'll regret. Everyone feels more giving and kind at Christmas, but don't let that tempt you into reaching out to your ex who you'd hate any other day of the year.

8. You'll compare it to last Christmas, and the one before that. It might have been better or worse....but what's important is to make the most of your time in the present!

9. You will chuck out that Christmas jumper you wore once. Or if you used it twice, that singing tree probably stopped working anyway.

10. You'll start counting down the months until next Christmas on the 25th of every month. 

♡ GS ♡

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