Saturday, 19 December 2015

This post will be particularly useful if you have me for Secret Santa and haven't bought my gift yet, otherwise this is me just keeping a handy list of things I want from Santa this year! (Or that I will end up buying for myself when the sales in January start...) Although what tends to happen is my mum ends up sending me most of my presents to my address in UK or I buy them myself and keep them "unused" until the 25th, mainly due to the fact there's a lot more stuff to buy over there than in Gibraltar, but I wouldn't complain if all my gifts were from MAC. Maybe you might find some ideas for yourself too!


1. An Ipad 

My parents kind of spoilt this surprise by telling me which model i'd like. I'd never been big on having one but I thought it would make it a lot easier to blog on the go and watch Netflix whilst i'm travelling!

2. A New Handbag

Again, I ordered this myself although i'm slightly worried it's not going to arrive....it's been in "Portugal" for a week now. 

3. Yankee Candles

I bought some samplers recently (also in my giveaway) and they just smell so damn good, although a pain to bring back in my suitcase when each one weighs a ton!

4. Lipsticks....

Because you can never own too many. 

5. Pyjamas

I currently do not own any winter pyjamas, so i'd be very grateful for this. 

6. Anything from Victoria's Secret

Cause anything from that store makes me feel 1000X more fabulous than I am. 

7. Underwear

I have a slight addiction, I probably have enough pairs to last me a couple of months, again from VS would be super nice. 

8. A brow/contour kit

Until now i've never used one or the other, mainly because my eyebrows are so dark that if I filled them in i'd look extremely intimidating, and contouring looks like a lot of effort, but i'd like to see the effects!

9. A Record Player

I'd feel like I was being transported back to the 1950's whilst I sip on my glass of rose in my silk nightgown.

10. A Polaroid Camera

Cause they're totally cute. 

11. A Curler

I cut my hair short about 5 months ago now, and I don't miss my long hair at all and I absolutely love vintage curls with short hair. I'm not great with doing them with a straightner, so this would definitely come in handy!

12. A Baby Blue/Pink Coat

I'm obsessed with all things pastel this season, and a dusty blue coat would sort of make me feel like I was Jackie Kennedy. 

This is also the last Christmas related post i'll be doing! Hope you've all enjoyed this little segment and i'll be writing a few 2015 round ups and New Years posts up soon! Hope you all have a wonderful and fun filled Christmas. 

G ♡


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