1. Something you've given thought to
Find out any of their interests, whether its cooking, music, travelling, it's easy to find something that will show you took more than 2 minutes to decide what to buy them. Try Urban Outfitters for a selection of quirky books, mirrors, mugs etc!
2. Box of shit they like
This can be pretty cheap and at least you know they'll use/eat everything in it. Try adding their favourite chocolate bar, artist related shiz, scents etc!
3. Portable charger
so simple, but so handy. You can find some pretty sick ones out there too!
4. Hip flask
assuming they like to drink, these also come with some pretty cool slogans.
1. Penis Everything
Penis pen, penis chocolate, penis apron, penis's over done, and not really that funny.
2. Wooly Primark socks
They probably already own a pair, or 10.
3. Chocolates
Thanks for the box of celebrations, must have taken a lot of thought! Plus you end up eating about 10% of them and the rest gets taken by everyone else.
4. Festive Items
Thanks for the santa tie....i'll save it to use in 365 days again.
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