Thursday, 10 November 2016

It's been so long since I've put up a new recipe, I find I'm never patient enough to take photos first or I just think it's something too basic which you all probably know how to make! I've decided to keep this up just so I have an online recipe book to refer to, considering I keep forgetting how to make or forget to jot down the method! So here is a gibraltarian/spanish fish soup that's perfect for the winter months and will be ready to enjoy in half an hour! I know fish soup sounds pretty grim, but this is one of my favourite winter dishes and despite the name it doesn't actually taste that fishy. 


2 cod/haddock (boneless) fillets
sh*t ton of parsley
4 medium sized potatoes
1/2 fish stock cube
1 onion 
1 garlic clove
1 tomato (optional)
salt/pepper to taste


1. Boil water in the kettle and fill half the pan with water, cut the onion in half and let sit in the water and add a chopped up garlic clove. 
2. Add fish fillets to boiling water and leave to cook for around 5-10 minutes before removing them and placing them on a plate and add salt and pepper
3. Chop up the potatoes, throw em in the pan and bring to boil 
4. Once the potatoes have boiled and the water is just covering them, 'crumble' the fish into the pan, add the stock cube and parlsey and leave to cook for a few minutes until the broth thickens. 
5. Serve and enjoy! (I recommend not eating the whole onion) 

♡ GS ♡

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