Monday, 2 January 2017

I love working with brands and other bloggers on collaborations and also offer advertisement space on my blog. If you're a blogger looking for a bit of extra promotion then please see the advertiser packages I offer below! Below are current stats:

average monthly views | 15,000
total page views | 120,000
twitter | 17,000 (two accounts)
instagram | 2,500 (two accounts)
facebook | 350
bloglovin | 500
pinterest | 210

PACKAGE 1 (£10)
- your logo on my blog sidebar
- 6 RTs of your promotional tweets
- 3 blog posts pinned to my pinterest boards
- blog shoutout on Instagram (both accounts)
- meet the advertisers blog post 
- #FF shoutout

PACKAGE 2 (£6)
- your logo on my blog sidebar
- 3 RTs of your promotional tweets
- blog shoutout on Instagram (1 account)
- meet the advertisers blog post 
- #FF shoutout

PACKAGE 3 (£3) 
- your logo on my blog sidebar
- meet the advertisers blog post
- #FF shoutout 

If you're interested in advertising with me, please send an email to letting me know what package you are interested in, along with your blog logo and social media links. For brand advertisements please enquire. 

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