It's that time of the year where I set unrealistic expectations for the months to come. However I did manage to tick off 70% of my 2016 bucket list list, and considering some of the things on the list were practically unachievable I'd say that's a pretty good job. I feel like if I share this list with you guys and having it published online, means I'm more likely to attempt and cross everything off. So without anymore babbling here's a very ambitious and random bucket list for 2017.
1. Visit 3 new countries
15. Go on a date with someone I didn't meet on tinder lol
17. Become a wine expert
2. Travel somewhere by myself
3. Get my drivers license (or at least start learning)
4. Get a job (for the meantime)
5. Pay off my £2000 overdraft lol
6. See Shawn Mendes live <3 <3 <3
7. Get a 2:1 (or 1st) for my University degree
8. Graduate
9. Get a new tattoo
10. Read 20 books
11. Go to a festival
12. Up my blog photography game
13. Own all of Lana Del Rey's albums on vinyl
14. lose 10kg
16. Do karaoke
18. Perfect a torta patata
19. Put something in my memory jar daily
20. Go on a road trip
21. Never be broke
22. Reach 100K blog views
23. Work with one of my favourite brands
24. Start my Coachella 2018 fund
25. Reach 1000 followers on blog instagram - teawithgi
21. Never be broke
22. Reach 100K blog views
23. Work with one of my favourite brands
24. Start my Coachella 2018 fund
25. Reach 1000 followers on blog instagram - teawithgi
I'd love to hear what some of yours are!
♡ GS ♡
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