Hey y'all! So I've decided to change things up and start posting seasonly goals instead of monthly favourites (which I still might pop in occasionally). Firstly because I've just provided you guys with part 1 of my summer favourites and secondly because I feel like If i share my goals with you guys and on here, I'm much more likely to fulfil them. Also I'm so excited it's October because that means Halloween, and more scary releases on Netflix yay!
1. Read 'Rebecca'. I've heard this book is a lot of people's favourite book. I've also heard it's quite the head fuck and not exactly light reading. I do love books that are a bit thrilling and with it being Halloween and all this month, what better time to read it. I'm currently 50 pages in, so just another 300 to go!
2. Find a graduation dress. For some unknown reason sunny Bournemouth decides to have its graduation ceremony in November, which means nobody is going to see my dress anyway. I mean this is a goal I have to achieve or else I'll be strutting down the stage in my pyjamas. If anyone has any good websites for dresses for the occasion please send them my way!
3. Limit my Costa coffee spendings to £6 a week. In other words, twice a week. I'm not a big fan of the office coffee so I got into the habit of buying a vanilla latte every morning, which is £3 I could put aside for other things (like a muscle malt). I'm starting to bring my own coffee in a mug and putting the money I'd usually spend in a savings jar!
4. save £500. I don't know how well I'm going to fulfil this seeing as I'm also currently setting £400 aside the next few months to pay for my overdraft aha. But I want to start being an adult and saving for those unexpected expenses, such as a spontaneous tattoo.
5. Start driving lessons. Seriously guys, if in Novembers blogpost I fail this then please share your disappointment with me. I keep putting this off because I think a part of me actually has a fear of driving, I'm constantly in my own world and tend to overthink things so being on the road where I have to be cautious of 503843 things sounds like a nightmare.
6. Lose 3kg. If you've been following my posts then you might have picked up that I am on a mission to become sexy Giana. I've hit a bit of a plateau the last month but having got back into the gym I'm hoping to drop another 3kg this month. I have a total of 6kg to lose before I hit my goal, so here's hoping!
7. Not gag when I drink Apple Cider Vinegar. I'm sure most of you have seen lots of articles/Youtube videos about the benefits of apple cider vinegar, but damn is it disgusting. How can something so gross come from precious apples. I'm making it a point to drink a glass of water mixed with 1 tbsp of ACV, raw honey and lemon juice every morning.
8. Be comfortable at 20kg. I have the upper body strength of a T-Rex, so this is something I'm really trying to work on at the gym. On the arm machines my weight resistance varies from 10kg - 20kg, but my goal is to be comfortable at 20kg across all the machines.
9. Lose 1% body fat. As we all know muscle weighs more than fat, I'm not going to be disheartened if I don't shift much on the scale, but instead see that my body fat % has gone down. I'm currently weighing in at 28%, so watch this space!
10. Start a class. Technically I do yoga once a week, because we luckily have an instructor that comes into the office every week for a class, how fab is that?! I still haven't made the most of the classes offered at the gym, but I'm hoping to start the piloxing one.
11. Post two blog posts a week. I will probably fail at this, because after work all I want to do is watch Youtube videos or read other blog posts, but I am going to try! Wednesday's and Sunday's folks.
12. Come to grips with my new camera. As an early graduation present my parents bought me the Olympus Pen E-PL8. I've had digital cameras before when I was 15 and would just use them to take videos of Justin Bieber at concerts, but I actually want to learn the ins and outs of this beauty and thus improve my blog photography and shiz. If anyone has any blog posts on this then holla at me!
13. Discover 5 new blogs I love. There's already a hefty list of blogs I love reading, but as from next month I want to also share with you guys some of my favourite bloggers. We must support each other gals!
14. Grow my social media. Especially Instagram, but we all know with the way Instagram is going you could be posting nudes and still hit 10 likes.
15. Be more honest. Some of my favourite (and yours) blog posts are the ones I write at 2 in the morning when I feel like ranting about something. As much as I enjoy writing about movies, travel and what lipsticks I'm loving, I want to reflect more and write more about my life and experiences (exes watch out).
This was originally meant to be a 5 goal blog post, so maybe I'm being a bit too optimistic. What are some of your goals for this month?
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