Saturday, 14 October 2017

Now that I have a stable pay check, I can now kind of justify splurging on beauty products. I've always been quite standard with the make-up I use and my routine, I think the only thing that changes  daily is my shade of lipstick. Even though I tend to be more bare faced in the hotter months, there are usually a lot more events and things to dress up for, hence more time to experiment with products! Here are some of my beauty based favourites from the summer month.

beauty faves


Having spent the whole summer stealing my sisters 35N palette, I finally decided to order my own but in this 'warmer' range. I'm loving the red and orange tones in this and with a tan they looked absolutely fab. It means I'm finally changing up my standard naked 3 palette eye-make up for a night out. At £25 a palette the pricing is not bad at all, considering the amount of shades you get. They're no MAC in terms of pigmentation but they're are pigmented enough for the looks I've tried! I'm looking forward to working with these tones more this autumn.



This was a birthday gift and I bring it everywhere with me. Been working for 8 hours and need to go to straight out? 3 brush strokes and you're set. The bronzer and the blusher give a nice tone but I prefer my highlighter to be a bit more blinding. It's fine during the day but for the evenings/festivals I use the MUA highlighter to really make my cheeks pop.


I've been using Marc Jacob perfumes for the last 5 years, and this is the first time I decided to change things up! This is quite a floral perfume but I find it very sophisticated, that might just be the packaging.


The lovely people at Cyberderm send me these products to try and I was/am using these daily. I use the 'Every Morning Sun Whip' when I wake up before applying my make-up, and it has an SPF protection factor of 25. It dries matte so if you have oily skin, this is a good product for you to use and it also keeps your make-up in place.

The 'Simply Zinc' I would always carried in my bag with me to top up if I was moving around/going to the beach etc. Even though they're technically 'suncreams' I think they're useful to use in other weather conditions as we know them sun rays can be sneaky. They haven't got much of a scent and the consistency is quite thick so you might need a couple of pumps to cover your face and neck, but they are both very rich and hydrating products.



The first few times was tough, I thought I had a high pain tolerance until I tried this on my legs. I'm not going to lie to you and say it's pain free because it hurts like a B, more than waxing in my experience. But I do like how cute it looks (wouldn't think it would cause you blood, sweat and tears) and that you can take it with you anywhere and remove hair at 3 in the morning if you wanted to.This model in particular comes with two heads, one is just a trimmer whereas the other is meant to grasp even the shortest hairs.

What have been your go to products this summer? Have you used any of these yourselves?


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