Tuesday, 5 December 2017

It's taken me a whopping 5 days to write a post about Christmas, how very unbloggerish of me! Truth be told I am not the biggest Christmas fanatic, don't get me wrong I enjoy listening to Michael Buble's Christmas album and watching my fair share of holiday movies, but as I've got older (and certain life events have occurred) December has become somewhat of a bittersweet time for me. That being said, there are elements to Christmas time that I enjoy (mainly the food and parties) and if you're still feeling low on the festive scale, here are ways we can both get into the Christmas spirit! 


1. Buy an advent calendar.

10 years ago it was a simple cadbury's chocolate calendar that you'd be opening to countdown to Christmas, nowadays you can get everything from lipsticks to alcohol on a daily basis. I have a christmas drinks one myself so I definitely won't be short on supplies over the Christmas period. 

2. Get some festive pyjamas. 

Me and my sister always received matching pyjamas on Christmas Eve which was always a cute tradition. Only problem with that really is it only gives you about a week or two to wear them before they become slightly irrelevant. Which is why I have a back up pair here to where throughout December! 


3. Line up the Christmas movies (and music). 

I consider myself quite the movie buff, but I haven't actually seen many Christmas classics (Home Alone or Elf), I know I know. I did always enjoy the Disney ones when I was small so Santa Claus and Mickey's Christmas Carol always bring back a sense of Nostalgia to me. As for Christmas songs I've been listening to Bieb's Under The Mistletoe album and Michael Buble's Christmas one alternatively before work. As from next week I'll start throwing in Fairytale of New York and Santa Baby. 

4. Visit a Christmas market. 

I'm excited that Gibraltar is finally having their own Christmas markets this year! I was afraid I wasn't going to get my fix of bratwursts and mulled wine. I did however visit 3 Christmas markets in Copenhagen this weekend and got a helping of a hot dog, hot chocolate, mulled cider, pancakes and fudge so I think I'm sorted for a year. 

christmas market

5. Walk in to a department store. 

I remember being young and knowing Christmas was here when BHS had their Christmas stock in. If you need reminding it's Christmas just walk in to Debenhams or M&S and you'll be sorted. I also want to buy half the gifts that are meant to be stocking fillers for myself. I'm all about the mini board games this year. 

6. Throw a Christmas party. 

If your favourite thing about the holidays is well, getting drunk and wearing red and wrapping tinsel around yourself, then get your party planning on! Or you know, hire me to do it because I have a degree in Events Management. Here in Gibraltar we get a half day the Friday before Christmas (22nd this year) and everyone goes out to drink, eat and socialise over the town. If you're planning a party of your own and looking for some festive drinking games, here's a blog post for that. 

7. Make the most of 'festive food and drink' season

I've accepted that I won't be losing any more weight over Christmas and the opposite will probably happen. The fact we have two Christmas chocolate boxes at work already sat in front of my desk is already a bad start. I for one love the festive drinks at Costa and Starbucks and I don't think I could ever drink a normal latte again. This is also the year I've discovered minced pies don't actually contain any meat in them, and they are bloody delicious.

festive coffee

8. Deck the halls. 

If you don't have your Christmas tree up then that would be a good start to get your festive aesthetics. Paired up with the 'Christmas Cookie' Yankee Candle, some tinsel around your bedroom, a snow globe and a cup of mint hot chocolate and you'll be feeling more festive than santa himself. 

 9. Fill up on blogmas posts! 

I'm not participating in Blogmas this year because I simply don't have the time (or creativity) for it this year but....a couple of my friends are and have written some brilliant posts which will be sure to get your spirits up. Take a look below!

For Lauren's Christmas peppermint bark recipe.

For Debra-Bow's tips on planning a christmas party.

For Sian's Christmas on a student budget.

For Holly's DIY Christmas eve boxes. 

For Tania's Christmas as a family. 

For Chloe's winter beauty essentials

For Lucy's winter skincare routine.

For Emma's Christmas drinks selection.

Do you consider yourself to be the grinch or have been counting down the days since November? How are you getting yourself in the Christmas spirit?

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