Monday, 27 May 2019

Back in February when I left Gibraltar to go travelling, and packed up half of my life to move to Australia, the biggest decision I probably had to make was - what do I actually need to bring with me? I'm quite the hoarder and get sentimentally attached to things so choosing what to bring and what to leave behind wasn't easy (sadly my 'Marie' from the Aristocats plush toy didn't make the cut). Reflecting on my trip to Asia, these are some of the items that I feel were necessities and made life a whole lot easier. 

tep wireless

1. Tep Wireless Internet device

If you're travelling out of your country (or somewhere that your mobile data doesn't cover) then I 100% recommend using Tep Wireless*. When planning Japan my main issue was transport, as I heard that English signage at the stations was lacking. Luckily with Tep, whenever we decided we had to get somewhere I could quickly jump on Google Maps or Rome2Rio and it would sort out all the hard work for me. Having unlimited Wi-Fi everywhere we went also meant I become 'Uber girl' 'Check if there are any gluten free restaurants in the area girl' and 'The first one to upload our photos on Instagram girl'. 

The process is simple. You choose whether you want to buy or rent a Tep device, tell them what destinations you are going to be visiting and how long for. The most popular data package works out $12.95 a day for unlimited internet. If you're someone who is on the go a lot and you are constantly moving countries, then I'd recommend buying the device - it would save you buying mobile numbers in each country! 

2. Packing cubes

These have been a life saver not only to keep things organised and easy to find in my backpack, but also because when 'unpacking' at our Airbnbs I pretty much just stacked them in the wardrobe and got what I needed from each one. Making it that much easier and quicker to pack up again when it was time to move. These are inexpensive and come in a range of colours that you can find on Amazon

3. A J Shaped Neck Pillow 

When I flew on short haul trips I never really bothered with a neck pillow, as I didn't really feel like they made much of a difference anyway and I have a pretty giraffe-esque neck so I could never get comfortable. Then when J Pillow reached out about collaboration I thought, well this might come in handy for the 8+ hour flights. The difference with this is that it supports your neck, chin and head. So you can get pretty comfy whether you're on the window, middle or aisle seat. 

4. A comfortable backpack

There is a lot of research, blogs and variety out there when it comes to choosing a good backpack to go travelling with. Of course all the pretty and good ones will cost you over £100, but then I stumbled upon this simple Cabin Max beauty on Amazon that only set me back £30 (well, my mum as it was one of my Christmas gifts). After carrying it around 8 airports, using my upper body strength to chuck it in the overhead locker 10 times, and using it for my little trips here and there in Australia - I can confirm that I will be keeping it for my 3 month trip to Asia too as it has served me well.  

5. A Kindle 

I think this has been a great travel item, but not so great for my bank account because since I don't have to worry about carrying them around, I can just keep buying them. Before I had a kindle everything used to be filled to the brim of my little backpack because I always needed to carry a book in there too, now I can open and close my bag without risking my headphones or sweets falling out. 

What are some of your favourite travel items and gadgets to pack?


*Items marked where gifted to me but all opinions are my own. 

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