Sunday, 21 June 2015

For being an avid concert goer, I can't believe my first gig of the year took place in June, but I must say these boys NEVER disappoint, and I say this because I have now seen them live 6 times. I never get when people say, "what's the point of seeing them again, don't you get bored?",  but then I think to myself, don't you get bored of watching your football team play over and over again? Every experience is different. With every show comes new music, new people which you're probably going to bond with because at least you share the same music taste, and well they're not hard on the eyes either.

So I spent the weekend in London before heading back to Gibraltar for the summer, and boy did it end with a bang (and fire). After going out Friday night, let's just say I didn't have the energy to be queuing up for several hours to be in the first few rows as per. Don't get me wrong, queuing up early is usually pretty entertaining when you're meeting up with other people and just go around socialising and getting drunk. It was also great to see Sarah Jane after a year! We met at the first 5SOS gig back at KOKO London in 2013 and have been going together ever since! Hannah also joined me even though she claims she's not a big fan yet had also seen them the week before in Birmingham (I hope you're reading this)

The Saturday show was pretty great, we were in the standing pod and surprisingly since the tickets were limited we actually had space to breathe and there wasn't really any pushing and shoving. Their supporting act Hey Violet were actually pretty bad ass and their songs definitely make you want to jump around/air guitar. Also was lovely to meet them before the show! 

The show started out with one of my favourite sing the chorus at the top of your lungs songs End up Here, if you haven't heard it, stop reading this, open Spotify, play it, then get back on here. Let's just say by the third song I had stepped on one too many people from dancing around so much (and I was
wearing heeled boots - bad idea) and my make-up was sweating off. To my embarrassment the camera man came to film me for 2 minutes during She Looks So Perfect where I was confused as to where I was supposed to be looking, do I look into the camera? do I pretend you're not standing 5 inches from my face and act natural? Or do I hope that you're not actually going to include this in their live DVD because I look stupid as f. 

My favourite live performances had to be Disconnected, Rejects, Amnesia (cry every time), End Up Here, Everything I Didn't Say, and Heartbreak Girl because 2013 memories. Although i'm still nagging them to put If You Don't Know and Close as Strangers on the setlist. I would have added Good Girls and What I Like About You to the list but someone (Michael Clifford) burnt his hair with the pyrotechnics and couldn't perform the encore dammit, but seriously it did look bad - ouch. 

Sunday night I was planning on spending the night tucked up in bed and packing my suitcase before flying home in the morning, but then we managed to land some free tickets half an hour before the show , and even after seeing the show two days in a row, SJ and I were still dancing around like we were backup dancers in their music videos, (I actually only went to hear the encore) 

It's been amazing to see these guys go from performing to 12 people to selling out 3 shows at Wembley Arena, I just hope they stay humble and continue being those 4 cheeky Australian dudes who I met back in 2013 (and keep in contact so that I can work for them when I'm done with my degree in two years like they promised!!)

(seriously check out their album)


twitter/insta : gianamariex

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