Tuesday 24 November 2015

I've tried my fair share of teatox's in the past two years, and with so many to choose from, it is sometimes hard to find one that works for you and your body! (and doesn't taste revolting) One that I've been meaning to try is the US brand Skinny Teatox, and not just because of its super cute packaging!

I decided to try the "14 Day Teatox" as well as the "Chocolate Energy Tea" to maximise the effects of the programme. As with most tea toxes, the package brings a 2 week supply of morning tea and a night time cleanse tea designed to be taken every night. The chocolate tea is designed to be taken whenever you need a little pick me up. The tea comes in a loose-leaf form so you will need a tea filter, and Skinny Teatox have some super cute ones on their website like the strawberry one shown above! Now on to the important bits.

How Does It Work?

The morning tea is designed to boost your metabolism, suppress your appetite and leave you feeling more energised. Whereas the night time cleanse does exactly that, cleanse your body! It is taken every other night and acts as a colon cleanse by ridding your body of toxins and other substances that might be making it hard for you to shift those extra pounds!

What Does It Taste Like?

Not bad at all. The morning tea just tastes like a regular tea you'd purchase but with triple the benefits! As for the night time tea, it's quite plain and simple so I found adding some honey to it gave it more of an enjoyable for me. The chocolate energy tea actually does have a dark chocolate after taste which was interesting!

What Did You Experience?

Firstly, the night tea is a cleansing tea so you can expect to be going to the toilet a lot in the mornings when you take it, to get rid of all the yucky stuff in your system! If you're on the contraceptive pill it might be best to take it in the evenings as taking it in the morning might clash and stop the effect of it.

Did It Work?

After a few days of taking the teatox and the energy tea combined, I noticed I was getting out of bed a lot easier for one! I was more focused at work and found myself not having lunch until 1:30/2pm and I wasn't even that hungry! After taking the night time cleanse I also found my stomach to be a lot leaner and I wasn't experiencing a lot of bloating generally. In the whole two weeks of taking this programme, I lost a total of 4lbs (around 2kg). Note I was also going to the gym 4 times a week and eating pretty healthy (minus the occasional Gregg's sausage roll) but the tea definitely gave me faster results and glowing skin as another benefit!

If you're looking to to try this for yourself, head to their website now where you can choose from a variety of packages to suit your needs and let me know how it goes for you!

website: http://skinny-teatox.com/
twitter: Skinny_Teatox



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