Saturday, 31 December 2016

I love twitter polls, they're great for deciding what ice-cream you should buy at Tesco or what hot drink to order at Costa. Sometimes, I just like being nosey as to what peoples opinions are on things, including how their 2016 went. It didn't shock me that 66% of people said 2016 has not been good to them, and with everything that's being going on in the world lately it's not surprising to see why. However, it's unlikely that most of us have have been miserable for 365 days, which is why it's important to also reflect on the positive things that have happened in our personal lives. Hence the point of this blog post. 

I'm not going to lie, the last 4 months have been very hard as I lost a close family member and even though I can still go out and get on with my life, it's always something that's in the back of my mind. As cliche as it sounds, when you lose someone the last thing they would have wanted is for you to stop living your life and mope about, especially since my cousin was constantly joking about and full of life. So I decided to have a browse through my 2016 album on Facebook, and I came up with a list of positive things I experienced this year.
  • Going to my first festival in UK - there was no mud and it was pretty sunny so I haven't been put off them just yet. 
  • Friends Fest - and meeting Janice!! 
  • Moving back to Bournemouth for final year of uni and into mine and Meg's cute flat
  • Gigs, gigs and more gigs!
  • Visiting three new cities, and getting to see the Northern Lights
  • Seeing Arsenal win for the first time at a match lol
  • My best friend had a baby boy!
  • Reuniting with friends I hadn't seen in years and making new ones
  • Monetizing my blog and having had the opportunity to work with some great brands.


As much as I'd love to say I'm entering 2017 being a morning person and living a healthier lifestyle, I will probably be rolling home at 9am after eating a full english breakfast and downing tequila shots on the hour. So let's just ignore January 1st and look at these resolutions as an on going process throughout the year. 

Smash it - I mean this in terms of my blog, and most importantly my last semester of university. I didn't exactly give it my all in second year so going to have to work my ass off to achieve a 1st. So far so good this term but the fact I haven't started any of my Christmas work yet means as from Monday pro plus will probably be my best friend. 

Read more - I definitely stepped up my reading game this year since I spent a lot of time commuting during placement and I had no real work to do. As the uni work piles up I probably won't be able to hit the books for pleasure until June and I have a long list of novels to get through! 

Move more - I won't be joining a gym simply because there is no gym in the area that offers a pay per month option that lets you cancel whenever. I do however have an online gym membership that I was gifted with by Gym Cube with 100s of workout videos that I need to take advantage of. I usually don't gain that much weight over christmas, but I'm not kidding when I say I've gained an extra 6lbs in two weeks. So hopefully by the end of 2017 I would have reached my ideal weight. 

Be less picky and more open-minded (when it comes to dating) - I've been properly single for over 2 years now and have probably only been on a handful of dates since. It probably doesn't help that I've spent the last 2 years moving around from Bournemouth - Orlando - Gibraltar - London but hey, love knows no distance right? I always tend to chicken out of dates and I wouldn't say my standards are too high, I'm just rather picky. So I want to put myself out there in the dating world in 2017 and take a page out of Carrie Bradshaw's book (or Samantha's). 

Become money savvy - I really never know where my money goes, but my bank statements show endless Cameo, Waitrose, and Bubble Tea receipts so in 2017 it's time to reevaluate my spending habits. I've got a few trips planned for 2017 and basically if I don't save up, I'll be flying there and eating insects. So I'm going to try and stick to the 50:30:20 rule - 50% of your money goes towards living expenses, 30% towards leisure, and 20% towards saving. 

Be happy - I guess this is what we all want at the end of the day isn't it. To me this means spending more time with friends and family, and cutting out people who bring you down by making jokes out of your insecurities or things you are passionate about. Oh and fuck boys, lets leave those in 2016 too shall we. So here is to more gigs, more spontaneous nights out, more travelling and just 'realising stuff'. 

Just in case none of these things happen, here are a couple of things that will not be changing this year - my sleeping pattern, my love for pizza and garlic bread and the quality of my blog photos because I can't afford to splurge on an expensive camera that I will use twice. Enough about me, what are your new years resolutions? 

♡ GS ♡

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