Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Hey guys, it feels like ages ago since I wrote a blog post, even though essentially I wrote one about visiting Bournemouth over a week ago. I guess it's because my usual blogging routine consists of two or three posts a week, and surprisingly this was easier to keep up whilst I was in university because my life was more organised. Now that I'm back in Gibraltar the plan was to dedicate most of my time to blogging before I got a job, but the reality of it is I've been spending my days at the beach and nights watching Love Island and to be honest, I don't feel guilty (apart from the few pending product reviews I need to post) and here is why.  


I think sometimes we get so caught up in the blogging 'working' world that we forget why most of us started a blog in the first place, in my case it was to share my study abroad experiences with my friends and family and keep a diary of it. Nowadays it can be a bit overwhelming, to stay on top of the game in this saturated world of blogging it requires a day of Instagram posting, editing photos, following accounts I like, commenting on other accounts, commenting on other blogs, tweeting, scheduling tweets and of course, writing the odd post here and there and making sure all the SEO is good, photography is up to scratch and it's not boring you all to death. Which if you're a blogger yourself you know at times it can be draining mentally, which is why I've decided that I'm no longer going to pressure myself to post on X Y Z and half arse posts, but instead only write posts when I write stuff I am actually proud of. I sometimes feel the pressure to do all these things to stay relevant and 'professional', especially on Instagram, I am in awe of people who post great photos every day, I wish my life was that exciting but sadly most of my days are the same! 

Don't get me wrong, blogging has brought me some great opportunities and I have been able to travel and collaborate with some great brands, and I have made some great friendships through it. I only accept products from brands when I genuinely think you guys will find it interesting or it is something innovative. I understand I'm never going to be an Instagram star with 100K followers and will probably never be pictured in Miami with my surplus of freebies and gorgeous tan, or be having dinner with the Kardashians and blogging about what skincare they use, and I'm OK with that. At the end of the day I started my blog for me, and I want to keep creating quality content as opposed to quantity. 

To me blogging is a place where I can express my thoughts, feelings and improve my descriptive skills when it comes to product reviews. A place to meet other bloggers and find people with similar interests (shoutout to my Archie girls!) and not about having a massive following, or cheating my way to the top just to advertise charcoal toothpaste on Instagram. Sorry if this post has seemed a bit ranty and messy, most of my posts after midnight are either some of my best or back in my drafts, but they're also the most honest. 

if I bored you by the second paragraph I'm sorry! I'd love to know what blogging means to you, and why you started yours in the first place!


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